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Life story
My mother was born in Cannon Falls, MN, she moved to Hastings when she got a bit older than on to St. Paul.  She went to 916 to become an office worker and graduated.  She worked for the Washington County Courthouse in the Assessor's Office for many years up until her retirement.

By the time my mother retired at age 56 she already had early onset Alzheimer's.  She lived with my Sister Tammy and her daughter Madison in Stillwater for many years.   She deveolped Alzheimer's disease at age 56 from a prior head injury in a car accident.  She was always quite gracious throughout her illness.  She attempted to not speak for fear people would know, so she was cognitive of it to some degree.  She talked until she couldn't make sense of anything anymore than she stopped.  But when she did she smiled instead.  So she was pleasant, always folding things into squares.  She colored for awhile with crayons and a color book.  She enjoyed music therapy wher the therapist would sing to her.  She would smile all the while she was there.  

When Mom was still able to make decisons we knew it was important to find out how she wanted her life to go with Alzheimer's  She never wanted to be in a nursing home and we promised to keep her home until the end.  We honored our promise but it took a toll on my Sister Tammy.  Mom lived until January 30, 2009.  She died on my brother Terry's birthday.  In my heart I know he took her home that day.  He had loved Mother so, he had planned on taking care of her one day.  He didn't know he would lose his life at the young age of 32.  He died from massive pulmonary emoblism.  He died 6 months after his beloved Uncle Curt.  He had lived with Curt and took care of him for years, even through his marriages.  When Curt died, a little bit of Terry died.  Soon after, Terry was gone too.  His death rocked our entire world.  I miss him immensely to this day.  Our lives have never been the same without him.  Mother's Alzheimer's got much worse after Terry's death.  It was almost as if she wanted to forget.

Mother missed him too, I am sure she happily left that fateful day, leaving the horrific disease behind.  We all miss you Mother, all of you who have left us. Our Grandparents, Grandma Hazel, Grampa Merrill, Grandma Clara and Grampa Ephraim, Our Aunts' Barbara, Aryllis, Lois, Joan, Helen, Great Aunt Hazel our beloved brother Terry, Our Uncle's Donnie, Harold, Curtis, Cousin David, and far too many more.... Rest in Peace each and everone of you. ' May you be cradled in God's loving arms for all eternity.'


February 20, 1931
Born in on February 20, 1931.
January 30, 2009
Passed away on January 30, 2009.