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Dawn Nelson JIM'S CANCER IS BACK! April 1, 2016
Hello all my deceased family who we miss you very much, I am here to ask for divine intervention for my husband Jim, he just fought a battle with cancer in 2013 and it seemed he won it.  Now in 2016 it is back and with a vengence. He is SO sick and I am begging you if there is anything any of you can do to save him for me, please do it. I love this man so much, he doesn't deserve to die at such a young age. He just turned 70 and he is a working fool. 

He is in the hosptial with lung cancer, tonight he couldn't breathe and I made the nurse get a doctor immediately, Thank God I checked on him. He has two lungs full of fluid and he can barely breathe.  I need your help if you have any. I need your prayers since you are all angels now.  Don't let life take away this man who is so loved by so many. I need him, he is my everything. My health is not good either, I weight 100 lbs and had a stroke in my Messenterc artery and two others are completely blocked, I don't know how much time I have left.

If you can please help me.

I love you all and miss you everyday! 
Dawn Holiday"s January 6, 2016
Well. we made it through the Holidays another year. This year we lost Uncle Bob. I miss him all the time and at times we can tell by how "crabby" Dad gets he does too!  Dad is going to be 85 this year!  Did you ever think the old boy would outlive you?  You took such good care of yourself and he wouldn't even go to a doctor!  

I made Uncle Jerry broccoli cheese soup and ham for his Christmas present. Poor fellow is so befuddled he has dementia bad since Helen passed away.  I keep making Dad check on him and I would not let him forget him at Christmas, I kept bugging him. I think I actually can reach Dad's conscious!  Jerry is going to be 87!

The good news is we do have another baby!  Ben's of course, his name is Bennett.  He is a sweet one!  Nothing like his older brother, yet anyway!  I still love babies, but they are much harder than they used to be!  Now I understand why you never wanted to babysit!  

I am going to be 65 this April and feel like 80!  I am sick right now, I had my gallbladder removed last fall, had two stents placed and now I am having issues with my colon again. Getting so weary of all of this health stuff. Why am I always sick?

Dawn Tough Year August 27, 2014

With Jim having cancer ths last year has been a hard one for all of us.  He went through so much with chemo, radiation and then a big surgery.  Thankfully, they seemed to have gotten all of it in surgery.  But with cancer it is always a wat and see outcome. So far almost a year in remission.  I love Jim so much that I cannot imagine my life without him. Of course  couldn't imagine life without you Mom or you Terry.  Each of you who have left us take a little piece of our hearts.  Life is starting to look stark.  So few of us left.  Sure would be hard to pull a family reunion off.  Every one is gone.  Oh sure we have a few left, Dad, Jerry, Bob who has cancer, and Gary on Dad's side.  On Mom's side we only have Uncle Jim left.  Of course the Hellers too but we really do not have much in common anymore. 

My health is not up to par either. My COPD is bothering me more all the time.  My stomach is a daily source of pain and problems. I am afraid to go to a doctor. I really am.  I cannot stand another ANYTHING done to this body! Spent most of my life having health issues. I haven't had surgery in 10 years which is the longest I have gone in my entire life without a surgery of some type. I am slowing down and I shouldn't be. I need to try harder. I am trying salt therapy for my lungs. I am going in for a colonoscopy this year.  That covers both issues I am having, just hope my colon has NO tumor this time. That colon surgery changed my life and not for the better either! 

I have been watching the Long Island Medium, both Tammy and I want to see her, we'd love to know you are alright and Terry is with you.  If you can provide heavenly intervention in the PCH sweepstakes I am in the running for 5,000.00 per week!  With the little money Dad and Tammy have Jim and I need to help them out somehow.  So we are thinking of moving into a house together, Tammy is about to lose hers.  Madison is only 15 so she has 3 more years of school in Stillwater. We NEED the money so badly Mom if you and Terry can help ithey are coming out on this Thursday.  Send them to MY house mom, we would be forever grateful. Ashley is about to turn 18 years old in January Mom!  Do you believe it?  I hope your spirit is here with us, I used to feel it all the time. But I haven't lately.  I love you and I miss you all more than you will ever know.



Dawn Nelson I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU January 4, 2014
Dawn The Good Times November 9, 2012
Just thinking about you Mom makes me cry.  I miss you everyday!  You are the first thing I think of every morning.  I sigh and go on anyway, no other choice.  The holidays are almost here again.  Ben is having another baby!  It is due any day so maybe we will have at least one little one around soon.  

Life is harder than it was when you were home.  Prices have risen to the point it is getting hard to eat the way you are supposed too.  Groceries just keep going up!  Makes it harder for us to throw the holiday dinners.  They have never been the same without you anyway.  I knew I loved you Mom, just never knew how much!  It makes me feel bad for all the things I did while I was a smart mouth teenager.  I have to deal with that now with Ashley.  She is 15 going on 16 and is a real handful!  I know I was too.  I am sooo sorry Mom.  Forgive me?  

Our family is never going to be the same, I haven't talked to Scott in years, we didn't even talk at your memorial service.  I am angry with him for not helping Tammy with you while you were sick.  He lived right downstairs!  You used to call him that strange guy who lives downstairs!  You forgot him, I don't think  you ever forgot Madison.  You never forgot Jim.  But Tammy, I and Dad you forgot.  We understood.  Half the time my own kids don't talk to me.  Being a mother is highly over-rated.  Makes me feel bad.  I so wanted our family to have our own traditions and they couldn't care less.  The only time I see any of them is when they want something.  They sure do not love me the way we loved you!  I guess that is because you were a better person?  I don't really understand "why" my kids seem to dislke me?  I have always loved them so much.

Ben hasn't talked to me for a year now.  He is about to have a baby boy with his new wife Mallory.  You would like her I think?  I can't even allow myself to get excited since I never know if I will even be allowed to know the child.  Aidan is gone, I miss him so much.  Malisa took him away to who knows where?

Just wanted you and Terry to know that the Holidays have never been the same since we lost you, Terry and Curt.  We miss you all so much.  You were half our family, the most important half I think.  I love you all up there in heaven, Aunt Joan, Aunt Helen, Gramma Hazel, Gramma Clara, Aryllis, Barbara, David.  We hope heaven celebrates the Holidays we are all thinking of you!
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